Since 1954
A Christian camp experience for a range of age groups

Upcoming Events
Click below to access our events registration page. This page provides detailed information and instructions for event registration, as well as online registration where possible.

Camp Schedule
Each year we publish an events calendar with our currently planned activities. These dates are subject to change, but provide a good reference for large groups to make reservations.

Scholarship Application
We believe Church camps play an important role in the lives of our young people. To help make this more accessible, we provide a limited number of scholarships each year.
How to get involved:
Camp Allen would not be able to offer the life changing experiences that has affected countless lives without volunteers. We need to make every effort to offer that opportunity to every child who would like to attend Camp Allen. Let them find fun, fellowship, and friends. But, most of all, let them find salvation and safety in Jesus’ name.
There are many areas to help. Volunteering is the right thing to do; volunteering is the thing God would have us do. Being a volunteer is the type of person God would have us to be. If you can lend us a hand, let us know which area you feel He is leading you in.
Make a donation
Your financial donations and prayers make what we do possible. To make a donation, please follow the link below. To give regularly, please fill out our automatic withdrawal form.
Treat yourself to a
Camp Allen Retreat
Camp Allen’s retreat amenities provide you with the opportunity to escape the stresses of everyday life. This is a place where you can go for inspiration, to let your creative juices flow, engage in group activities, take a ride on the lake, discover nature and so much more.
About Us
Camp Allen is…
A place where happy campers camp out and experience God’s mission. It’s a safe haven – a place of acceptance, a place to find God’s love for every child who steps onto the property. Camp Allen is located on 77.58 acres, which allows for a multitude of activities to do on spacious and safe grounds. We are a non-profit organization operated by a board of directors, with two board members elected from eleven associations. Our purpose of Camp Allen is to provide a ministry in evangelism, Christian education, fellowship, leadership training, and a fun Christian camping experience.

A life changing experience.
Camp Allen provides a Christian camp experience for a range of age groups. During the summer camps, spiritual growth, life building skills, arts and crafts, and personal enrichment classes are offered. Worship service is held each night and, for your safety, a qualified nurse and trained counselors are onsite at each camp.
Christian camping is fun!
Camp Allen’s Christian camp is a great place for good fellowship, sharing time to express your own ideas and share the ideas of others. Camp Allen is a great place to join longtime friends as well as meet new friends. There is no way to describe the friendships that can develop in just one short week at Camp Allen. You must experience it to know it. Come and share the experiences that will last a lifetime!
Camp Allen
3104 Wayne Route F, Greenville, MO 63944