Camp Rules
Acceptance and participation at CAMP ALLEN will be equal for all without regard for race, sex, color, national origin, age, or handicap.
CAMP ALLEN is a facility designated for Christian camping; therefore, campers are urged to conduct themselves in a Christian manner at all times and to use decency and good taste in wearing apparel (no spaghetti straps, bare midriffs, halter tops or short shorts, no muscle shirts, no clothing that allows underwear to show, or any other inappropriate clothing for camp. If you wear clothing that is inappropriate, please be prepared to change.
Modest bathing suits for girls and swim trunks for boys, no cut-offs. Campers must wear a cover up on their way to and from the pool and waterslide. (T-shirts or some other cover up will be worn by both boys and girls.)
ALL medicine must be checked into the nurse. (FYI: A head lice check will be done prior to check-in)
The use of alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco products, and profanity are not permitted.
The use of electronic devices, including cell phones, are not permitted without permission of the Camp Director. Cell phone use will be strictly monitored and only available during certain times. We strongly encourage them to unplug and experience camp without outside interferences. (i.e. social media, excessive texting, etc.)
Everyone will be expected to participate in all camp activities unless excused for illness or other legitimate reasons.
No one may leave camp during the session without permission.
All campers must be checked out before leaving camp.
Campers are not to move their vehicles without the consent of the Camp Director.
Campers are to stay in appointed areas.
No food or sodas in sleeping rooms, chapel, or gym. (it is hard to clean up and will attract mice and bugs)
(Any persistent disregard for the guidelines or counsel of the Camp Director can forfeit the camper’s right to remain at camp!)